The Mount Adams Beautification Association (MABA) was established in 1995 as a subsidiary organization of MACA. Its ever growing membership is dedicated to making The Hill an attractive place to live, work and visit.
Our urban gardeners plant and maintain the gateway gardens, pots in various locations, large container gardens in the business district and planter boxes on the Ida Street Bridge. The planters and gardens are tended throughout the year by our members who plan, plant, water, weed and tidy-up each space. When you see someone hauling a hose or pulling a weed, give a honk and a wave! It’s one of our MABA members pitching in to help Mount Adams shine!
A major Hill-wide Clean Up event is held each spring in anticipation of the thousands of visitors who observe Good Friday by “walking the steps” at Holy Cross Immaculata Church. Keep Cincinnati Beautiful assists with supplies so we can comb the streets and by-ways to collect litter and other debris that accumulates during the winter. The more hands the better for this event, so please consider joining us! You need not be a MABA member to participate. A similar event is held in the fall. Check the Mt. Adams Community events calendar for dates and times.
Winter is also a busy time for the Beautification Association. Holiday decorations in the business district are the work of MABA members. An annual Mount Adams Luminary Event finds luminaries lining streets all over Mount Adams. Proceeds from the December event are used to purchase planting materials and other supplies needed to keep our neighborhood looking its best. Buy kits from your neighborhood captain or at Bow Tie Café.
You can support MABA’s season of plant-based projects and events by donating or joining today. Questions may be directed to or 234-380-6801.
February 11 6:30 PM MABA Meeting at the Crown Room, Highland Towers
March 11 6:30 PM MABA Meeting at Debbie’s home 384 Baum Street
April 8 6:30 PM MABA Meeting location TBA
May 13 6:30 PM MABA Meeting location TBA